Monday, October 16, 2006
Northville - Oktoberfest

On Saturday, October 14, 2006, members of the Wawel Folk Ensemble participated in an Okotberfest sponsored by Northville's Chamber of Commerce at Northville's Millenium Park.
While it might seem strange to have a Polish folk group participate in what is traditionally considered a Bavarian or German celebration, it really isn't. The fall, and October particularly, is a time for harvesting throughout Europe.
At the Oktoberfest, Wawel performed its Nowy Sacz, Lubelski, and Rzeszow Suites as well as Kadzioleczka, which is perfectly suited for a harvest festival because of its movements which mimic the action of cutting wheat, and the Karolina Polka. Wawel's performance was well received by Oktoberfest goers.