Monday, September 11, 2006
St. Athanasius Fun Festival
Despite the cool and rainy weather, Wawel heated up the dance floor at St. Athanasius' annual Fun Festival in Fraser, Michigan.
The Ensemble performed at 6:00 pm on Saturday, September 9, 2006 and presented its Lubelski, Rzeszow, and Lowicz suites as well as the Kadzialeczka and the Karolina Polka. After the performance members of the Ensemble stuck around to listen to the sounds of the Coachmen Orchestra.
Wawel's next public performance is Saturday, September 23, 2006 in Eastpointe, Michigan.
Wawel is now learning a suite of dances from the region of Podlasie to include in its repertoire. Podlasie is located in Eastern Poland, near the Russian border.
The photo below is a historical photograph showing villagers from Podlasie.

The photo below is a historical photograph showing villagers from Podlasie.